Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


An Alcoholics Tale

The bar down in the basement has a new beer on tap its called Drop Top Amber.

Funny, I've had this new beer at least 2 maybe 3 months ago, Portland truely is a beer spoiled city.

At least I have found a place in town that is a bona-fide microbrewery.....finally; almost thought the end was near.

Things I miss about Portland:

1. Cheap Beer.
2. Good Beer.
3. Being able to see a movie, have a slice of pizza, and a beer; all at the same time, and all for $8.
4. The symphony.

Things I don't miss about Portland:

1. The idea that right now the forecast calls for highs in the low 40's with showers.
2. The fact that sunrise is at 7:12AM and sunset is 4:39PM.
3. Thinking I need at least a jacket whenever I venture outside.
4. What qualifies for winter dress.

I miss home, but right now I think that I can get used to this place, come and me....ldern180 at yahoo dot com.....


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