Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?



I saw this today during lunch:

Many middle income Americans lack insurance

All I have to add for those who've ever seen a doctor and paid (I don't mean an insurance co-payment, I mean paid them the cost of seeing them) or if your employer has ever pulled back medical coverage drastically due to insurance's escalating costs I say "No Duh" to the study.

I think there is something wrong/fishy with the medical industry...


At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your economic hurt, your gripe, and all your pain as a patient is real.

It's a HUGE problem.

the reason why medical bills --those paid outright and those paid by insurance -- are so high is because many people don't have medical insurance and NEVER pay their medical bills.

r & d for drugs is expensive.

doctors are expensive.

rent, anesthesia, medical school, MALPRACTICE INSURANCE!

all are atrociously, astronomically expensive.

sadly, those with moderate incomes, decent credit, and professional jobs tend to cover more for health care directly out of their pockets.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Costs are so high I've thought about not paying medical bills and dropping insurance altogether....

Maybe this country should concentrate on this more than trying to bring peace, justice, and the American Way to the rest of the world......


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