Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


AAAGH!!, Frustrated, Happy, Stupid, and Sad

I don't know if you're like me; when you read a sad blog you feel sad....when you read a happy blog you feel happy....when you read a stupid blog you feel stupider.....and when you read a frustrated blog you feel frustrated. What drives me to want to read the frustrated blogs, I wonder if it has anything to do with this supposed study which I saw on the all-knowing omnipotent internet:

Bizarre Benefit of Being in a Bad Mood
People who are in a bad mood--that is, they are sad--have better memories, improved judgment, and superior critical thinking and communication skills than people who are in happier moods, reports Medical News Today of a surprising finding from researchers at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. This is the first study to ever examine the
effect of mood on memory and thinking.

Several experiments were conducted. In one of them the researchers put different volunteers in a happy or sad mood state and then tested the accuracy of their recall of a staged purse snatching. "The results showed that eyewitness accounts of people in a negative mood are more likely to be accurate compared to those in a positive mood state," lead study author Joseph
Forgas told Medical News Today. "It shows that our recollection of past events are more likely to be contaminated by irrelevant information when we are in a positive mood. A positive mood is likely to trigger less careful thinking strategies."

In a second experiment, volunteers were asked to write down an argument in favor of a particular proposition. The arguments were then analyzed for quality and persuasiveness. Those who were in a negative mood when they wrote the essay were far more effective in their critical thinking and communication skills than those who were in happy moods.

Forgas says the finding makes sense when considered in evolutionary terms. "Animals that are wary of their environment are more likely to perceive threats to their survival," Forgas explained to Medical News Today. "This supports the idea that mood states are evolutionary signals about how to deal with threatening situations. That is, a negative mood state triggers more systematic, more attentive, more vigilant information processing. On the other hand, a good mood signals that you are in a benign, non-threatening environment where you don't need to be as vigilant. The study findings were published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Nope; maybe not make we want to read the frustrated blogs, but it does help explain the appeal of the sad blogs. Does a cheery disposition pay off?


At 2:05 AM, Blogger c. said...

Good insight Dern. Thanks. Sadness and depression aren't so bad. In these states we become keenly aware of things that threaten our health and welfare.


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