Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


Chemical Food

Last night's random purchase at the ABC store:

Aloha Island Snax Premium Sweet Papaya Chunks. Packed in Hawaii....a product of Thailand. Otherwise known as dried papaya (I remember eating these as a kid and hands turning orange).

I have an idiosyncracy of reading almost anything put in front of me; including package advertising and food content labels.

Sweet Papaya Chunks have Sulfur Dioxide as an ingredient. Is Sulfur Dioxide good to ingest? Not sure by itself, but as a part of papaya chunks, tastes yummy.

I wonder how many different chemicals I regularly ingest in my food.......


At 2:39 AM, Blogger c. said...

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At 2:40 AM, Blogger c. said...

1. Sodium Nitrite

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sulfur dioxide(SO2) is used in the production of wine as a disinfectant, and to control oxidation, yeast and bacterial growth, etc. Minimum levels are maintained in the tanks, otherwise the flavor and the life of the wine will be compromised.

SO2 probably helps to perserve the flavor, and coloring of the papaya; and reduces the likelyhood of slimmy things and stuff from growing on your food.

The right concentrations need to be maintained, too much is not a good thing.

At 5:34 PM, Blogger c. said...

Any more food chemists want to chime in?

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Sodium Nitrite makes me think of Titration lab (for some reason). Maybe I should titrate my food before eating it.

Yeah it probably is a good thing that they've got a protective layer on the papaya; what with the moist air here.

End with my favorite chemical from high school science "Methyl Ethyl Ether" just fun to say....

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Mmmmm....chemicals....nothing better than consuming something where you don't know how to pronounce it as a child. A "typical" can of regular soda has wonderful things like potassium citrate, potassium benzoate, gum arabic, calcium disodium EDTA, and brominated vegetable oil. What the heck are we eating and drinking???

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Guess its a good thing I've been trying to limit my pop consumption....although that was about corn syrup and sugars in general....

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Heidi, that will be something I miss from Oahu....walking into (name random market) with slippers and trunks (naturally with T-shirt....wouldn't want to freak out the shoppers with my flabby paleness.....) and for those who've never been can get the basics of survival at an ABC Store....I already have requests from my sisters to bring back bamboo tanning mats from the ABC Store....


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