Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


Two Thoughts

I managed to come up with a couple.

I had Chicken Curry for dinner. This made me think about how much rice I actually eat now and the sudden embrace of that food. I was told how great the Curry was because the chef cooking it has served food in Thailand (at a resort I assume). This made me think of my friend Sister C; when he came back from his Asian adventure how he didn't want anything to do with rice. I imagine if I ate curry everyday, I'd feel sick and eventually would grow tired of rice....but fortunately with me, Bento/Ngiri/Musabi/Maki whatever you want to call it is still good...

Thought two (really more of a question).

How would you prefer to see me:

a) Clean Shaven
b) Scruffy looking
c) Full on beard down to my toes.
d) Not at all
e) Other

That's it, now off to read and then crash.....or maybe just out for a beer.....


At 1:52 AM, Blogger c. said...

Actually, I had a strong aversion to Indian food upon my arrival back to the States. Curry, in whatever form, wasn't very appealing. I ate it EVERY day. Rice, on the otherhand, has been a bit more tolerable.

I don't specifically remember saying I can't stand rice anymore, but I can imagine I may have said it.

I've always liked your clean shaven look.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger -Me said...

I'm always a fan of the scruffy.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Mmm...chicken curry....good stuff. I could live off of Indian and Thai food forever! Of course, this is probably b/c I don't eat it that often...

f) dressed in a monkey suit.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Looks like the scruff votes win. Good for me, been lazy (or busy) and haven't shaved in awhile.....


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