Home for Thanksgiving
Waiting for the film to develop.
I took a step back and succumbed to going to a 1hr photo developer to get my film developed. I was unable to find a decent one in the phonebook. One positive thought; the machine looked old enough that I might actually get a pure analogue print rather than a "better" digital print....we'll see. If anyone has recommendations for a film developer on O'ahu chime in.
Last night I was writing a little about the tourists here. The only other's I've noted as a stereotyped group have been the mainlanders and the Australians. Mainlanders so far seem to stick pretty much to the resorts and cruising around in their rental cars. The only one's I've seen up close and out of the city have been loud, annoying, rude and speak with a Southern accent (I'm assuming Texan....sorry Texas but that sums up my sum total experiences with anyone from there). The Aussie's have mostly been noteable by the accent (great accent) and the distinctive headwear. There, I think I've done enough stereotyping for awhile.....still fascinated by the Japanese.
Am now turning into a regular at some places here. The bartender and one of the servers recognize me (by name) down at the Shanghai Bistro. One of the girls that works here at the Internet cafe remembers me, and laughs cause she can't remember my name. I'll have to start changing my name whenever I come in here now....
Alright now off to do some surfing.....the web that is........catch that wave........
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