Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


This Mobile Life?

Well, I gone and dun it.

I can stay inside and let my skin turn pasty white again!

Oh, wait thats not it, ummmm.....oh yeah, hip and trendy at the Wi-Fi hotspots. Laptop in front of me whipping out that cell-phone.

Actually, it'll be good to have more internet access, a place to download and display digital photos (whenever I might join THAT takes much more thought and experimentation), and another place to create whatever jibberish I feel fit to create.

This morning I even managed to bastardize the CDs I brought with me. (For those not quite up to speed with my audio pickishness.....I would still buy records if they were more accessible...not only for the cool "artwork," but they are technically superior) thing you know I'll be typing in text language....


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