Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


Polly's Reunited Musings

As predicted, something ridiculous happened at Reunion.

The venue closed the bar down and reunion was halted in the middle of the event for another local venue.

I had fun at reunion. Funny to watch everyone gather in what I remember being the high school cliques. Me, naturally, not really belonging to any of the cliques, just kinda floating from group to group....interesting talking to people who you never talked to in high school.

Comments/thoughts I find interesting from this weekend:
  1. I heard that not everyone functions best in a good mood.
  2. "Don't do it.....that's too grown up!" Comment from a former high schooler in regards to purchasing a house.
  3. Sleeping on a couch shorter than you (yes, I know, difficult for me) is not a comfortable place to sleep.
Avast ye Scurvy Scalawags...spent t' better part o' me afternoon crawlin' (literally) around an attic with rock wool insulation, luckily today was not a warm day. Good thin' I had those coveralls.... (Don't forget, just a few more days till Talk Like a Pirate Day)


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