Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


Hiroshima Research on a Saturday Morning?

I've spent some time this morning reading about Hiroshima and the dropping of the Atomic bomb.
(There was also another atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, but I concentrated on the first drop, cause if the first drop was wrong then there's no real point to review the second drop).

First off, here are two web articles I recommend in regards to this:

We are taught in school that the bombs were dropped to save lives that would have been spent in an invasion of the Japan Mainland. After reading these articles I don't think that's the case. The Japanese seemed to be working on a way to end the war before the bombs were dropped....WE were hard nosed about unconditional surrender and made the mistake of publicly not letting the Japanese know they could retain their emperor after surrender. This seems to be a linchpin to the entire surrender decision by their part and even after the two bombs were dropped, I believe the Japanese may have continued to fight without a reference to them being able to retain the emperor. I do think some grievous mistakes were made, but also think that Truman who had only recently inherited a very complex situation probably did the best he could in the situation he was in. Ike's quote sums it up the best "it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing."

This makes me think of some modern day activities this country has engaged in. During WWII we were able to recognize that even in surrender from an aggressive act by another nation against ours; they should be able to retain a form of government that works for them (even though it would technically be under command of the US overseer). Is it right to go to war in order to force our form of government on others?

Lor' luv a duck! In da continuin' 'ousin' saga, da earnest Bees an' 'oney 'as been left wiv da title company, an' da disclosure fawms 'ave been received an' signed. Now, ter get a Gates ov Rome inspecshun curren' bun an' Dennis Bergkamp aaaht one night in da Cat an' Mouse ter see 'ow loud da airpawt is an' things should be well in 'and.... . Know what I mean?


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