Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?




I've now seen this thing many ways. I read it as an essay in a High School Class. I saw it as a Silent Movie with a live band playing the score. I heard it as a piece played on the Symphony in Sydney. I've now seen and heard it as presented by the Portland Opera.

I kinda liked it that way. The Opera is like the symphony, but gives you more interaction and something to a way more suited for those of us with shorter attention spans.... Even though the Opera is more money, the people there seemed lessed pretentious than at the symphony. You get to clap more often at the Opera (instead of waiting for an entire piece to finish...).

I might even go so far as to say the women attending the Opera are cuter than those at the Symphony....even with their male attachments....

Sidenote; looking at election results, Oregon is truely a state divided....the Valley (and some might say Portland) vs the rest of the state....

The Tower on the right is completed now, Honolulu, Oahu, November 2004, by LHD


At 2:01 PM, Blogger c. said...

Hey Dern! Long time since weÇve spoken. I resove to call you within a week or so!


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