Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


Aussie Aussie Aussie

I heard this many times in Fiji.

I looked it up. Flight to Sydney mid-September from here costwise can probably make happen.

All I need in addition to the passport is an electronic visa approval.

Now; what to do, where to stay, and actually making reservations of some sort.

Looks like this weekend I'll be hitting the bookstore for a Lonely Planet, or Let's Go guide.

Not to mention I need to ask for the time off.......


At 4:43 PM, Blogger c. said...

You can't go wrong with choosing Australia as your next destination:

It's clean.


English speaking (sort of).

And it's both a continent and a country.

Besides, you'll meet Aussies all over the world. After you visit their country, it'll be easy to find common ground with your fellow travelers.

Good luck!


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