Musings from the Mundane

Why not write and pass on this simple mundane life?


The Blog Turns Into This Old House

I learnt, yesterday, that even if you think a project doesn't seem to require a specific tool; it will.

I was installing locksets in existing doors. A chisel to make recesses for the strike plates or latchplates wouldn't be needed because the mortices should already be there. Well, I was wrong.....a supposed 15-20 minute installation took most of the afternoon.

On another note, this mornin' I woke up with a hangover (and/or splice t' mainbrace) and be workin' on growin' a beard. Its been awhile since I've had a 3 week period o' time whar I don't have t' look spick and span for anything.....


At 10:05 PM, Blogger c. said...

Nice illustration.

Where do you get off using "learnt" instead of "learned". I read it and I thought for sure you conjugated the past participle "to learn" incorrectly. So, I looked it up and it's correct, but Merriam-Webster states its chiefly British.

Jolly good my queer friend!

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Dern said...

There were a lot of good colours in that illustration.

I've got a habit of consistantly spelling certain words a specific way. Didn't even realize that I had spelled learnt properly.

Cherrio, guvnor.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rule of home repair:

multiply whatever time something should take by about 15 and multiply the cost by 3 and assume it will require at least 1 trip to a home repair store per hour of work.


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