A Holiday "Present"
Today I've been thinking some about the content of this blog.
I write alot about things I've done, but very little about myself.
(as if there's much to write about a simple soulless yuppy who's apparent lack of hobbies is drawn only from a perpetual interest in everything)
So, a Christmas "gift" for anyone who may be reading. Things that irk me in life:
1. Having to wait in 4 seperate security lines at Honolulu International Airport. The waiting (and imposition) could easily be shortened to 2 separate lines if the Honolulu Department of Agriculture and the Federal TSA got together and shared technology. Wait, what am I thinking; the Feds have enough trouble talking amongst themselves much less to the states.
2. People who say they will do something, but then don't, without saying anything about changing plans. If your gonna commit, commit; otherwise add some sort of "maybe" qualifier in the front.
3. (generally related to 2 above). Unreturned messages, letters, emails, etc. I've got many friends who do this, I (generally) don't hold it against them; but it still irks me everytime. Can't help it, I'm somewhat fanatical when it comes to returning messages myself.
4. Being told what to do. Generally, I'll listen to reason and won't be irked if its put in a tone comprising of "this is what I think and why" instead of "this is what I think, I know best, therefore do this." F that. I'm a reasonably intelligent psychotic who has an ability to think without being demeaned in this fashion.
(Inside note: Telling me what to do will probably result in me doing the opposite....handy tool I guess if you can put up with the irksomeness this generates)
This is somewhat of a negative post.....hmmmm, Mele Kalikimaka all. Try to post and poison some more minds tommorrow night if I can, otherwise likely have to wait till after the holiday for more of my usual nonsense here in the Sunshine Isles.
If finances are in order, hopeful to do more touring when I return; this is guv'na mundane signing off......
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